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When you are in love with a guy who may not be thrilled with kissing, you may want to know how to get long passionate kiss from your boyfriend. Believe it or not, it is possible to find men get him to not only go along with you but to actually enjoy it, too. Once you understand a few basic things about what may be going on with your boyfriend, it really won’t be that difficult to get him almost as excited as you are about kissing.

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There are several reasons that your boyfriend may not consider kissing as his favorite activity. Many guys simply view kissing as a stepping stone to what they really want and don’t understand that they would get there much faster if they took time to let their girl friend finder have a long passionate kiss with them Some guys actually worry about their breath so they try to avoid kissing.

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Still others have been criticized somewhere in their impressionable past for not knowing how to kiss, or being a bad kisser. Things like dating girls that stay with a guy. So it’s possible that you are simply paying for something your boyfriend suffered in the past. Whatever the reason, it may or may not be possible to find out what it is. Either way, you can move forward in your quest.
Tell your boyfriend often just how much you love kissing him. Emphasize what a wonderful kisser he is and how exciting it is for you to kiss him. This, single men find women, may help you get that passionate kiss with your boyfriend. Remember, if he believes that this is going to lead somewhere, he will go along willingly and happily.
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Find a way to share a breath mint if you think he may be worried about his breath. Then he will be more confident of not grossing you out. When you actually get your kiss for mature dating, show him that he is doing an amazing job of turning you on. Most guys respond to flattery and ego stroking if they don’t realize that’s what you’re doing.
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 at 5:22 am and is filed under dating men, dating sites, free dating, online dating, single dating.
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